My Personal Blog

March 20, 2019
A Rivulet Runs Through It

They say you can't go home again. I never understood what that meant until I had been gone for a long time. Things change. People change. Even rivers change.

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July 17, 2018
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

How do the most successful people spend their free time? I have no idea, but I'm guessing it's probably not: googling what successful people do in their free time taking extended naps watching cat videos for 3 hours a day what I do in my free time It's been a crazy month at casa-dee-hathaway.  We […]

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March 3, 2018
Just Get Started

Just get started! Oh heyyyyyyy... Long time no blog, right? Well, thank you all for the huge success of my book launch! I did hit #1 on Amazon, but might have fallen a bit in the rankings since. It takes a LOT to launch a book! Almost as much as it takes to write a […]

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July 9, 2017
You'll Grow Into It

You'll Grow Into It When I was a kid, a.k.a. a long, long time ago, the most usual method of updating my wardrobe was not to go to Nordstrom and drop $500 to buy a pair of jeans that are pre-ripped and look like they have mud on them (it's a thing; look it up). […]

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December 27, 2016

She lay in bed for far too long... Long after the alarm went off. Long after the time when she normally would have showered, dressed and rolled out the door. She probably would be too late to get breakfast by now, and it might even be too late to get a cup of coffee before […]

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July 1, 2016
Check It Out

If you're coming to this page from Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, MySpace (WHAT YEAR IS IT?!), Twitter or any other social media outlet, my legal team (me) wishes to inform you that this site has not been approved by the FDA and any claims, promises, jokes or vague references are representative of the views of the […]

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June 29, 2016
A Good Word for Good Words

"Hlisten to my hwords" At 3 years old, my daughter would say that when I couldn't understand what she wanted. She attended a preschool that had a very Hispanic influence (south PHX, yo), so she naturally picked up the accent (she lost it later and picked up mine... poor thing).  Sometimes I would make her say […]

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June 26, 2016
7 Signs You Have a Puppy

There's a new love in my life, and her name is Pixie's Miss Greta Garbo. It's been years since I've had a puppy in the house, and I've noticed there have been some major changes since a new dog came to live with me.

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May 30, 2016
Remember This

Remember to give a nod, raise a glass, or maybe just a post a comment on your favorite website (ahem...) to say thank you to all those who fought, and all those who fight, and all those who sacrifice for our freedom and for our right to celebrate any way we choose.

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