My Personal Blog

June 8, 2013
Dude, Where's My Car(t)?

So I'm back in the frozen foods section, looking for my latest made-from-scratch meal (hey, when I sign my name on the credit card machine, it looks kinda like scratching). I settled on the garlic chicken vegetable medley (yum) cuz it goes so well with the Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake I'd already picked for […]

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June 7, 2013
What Dreams May Come

"History remembers the battle, but forgets the blood". How disappointed I was to find that this was not really a quote by a historical figure, but merely a line from a movie (Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, no less).  I was a little relieved to find a similar quote by Lincoln, which was "The world will little note […]

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December 1, 2012
My Happiness...
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October 18, 2012
A Life Well Lived

My Dad died on October 13, 2012.  I don't have a pretty or poetic way to announce that; I just have the fact.  What I do have is a pretty/poetic way to tell him how much he meant to all of those whom he touched while he was here.  (keep reading, it'll happen) Before I […]

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October 7, 2012
Dance With Me

Yes it’s really me.  You probably thought I got killed and died or fell off a cliff or broke my typing finger or something.  I know I've been very neglectful of our time here (neglectified? Neglectorial?)  Lemme rephrase... I know I haven’t spent enough time here with you lately, but I have a really good reason.  And she’s […]

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July 29, 2012
All You Did

A little to the left, Cap'n. I had the opportunity recently to go see the Titanic.  The exhibit, not the movie.  I've seen the movie.  I've seen the documentaries.  I've even been through the exhibit before.  But this time was different.  Maybe it's because this is the 100th anniversary.  Maybe it's because the only place […]

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March 25, 2012
Say What?

Wow!  Would you look at the time!?  Is it almost April already!?! I know I haven't written in a long, long time (and I know that you know that too!).  I appreciate you not giving up on me and checking in again, despite my obvious absence here.  I do have an excuse.  And it's pretty […]

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December 31, 2011
New Year's Revolution

Happy New Year! Please be safe and happy tonight, and every night through 2012. And I plan to say the same thing next year, no matter what the Mayan calendar says. 🙂 I've been pondering and thinking and wondering and procrastinating about what to write to ring in the new year, and to celebrate my […]

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November 13, 2011
What You Need

Finally! Finally we get some cooler weather!! What's that? You thought I was saying finally cuz I haven't posted in so long? Ha ha! I don't even post often enough to worry about how often I post! But since I brought it up... I'm SO glad it's finally cooled down! Here in the Valley of […]

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